Body parts dyeing before the body does.

More people are living longer at times it seems that we out living our body parts. We are needing to find ways to extend the life of our body parts.
Some would say 'So what we can just get a transplants'. The problem with that thought is that amount of available transplants has not increased. Actually the amount of people that are needing new parts has double in the last 10 years but NOT the amount of transplants.
The list keeps getting longer and longer. What can we do to fix this problem?
One thing is to look at nature. They have that if you cut 1/5 of the ventricular chamber of a fish's heart. It will regenerate it self without any indication of the damage that was done, NONE. Scientist at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center. Have tried this with mice one day old. After 21 days later. The heart is back to normal. Without any scaring but if the mice is 7 days old. It don't happened. It reacted in the same way we had always thought. Now we need to find out what is being turned off for mammals but not in fish.
Other option is to grow organs. This is called Regenerative Medicine. This not new ideas. It is talked about in the book 'The Culture of Organs' by Alexis Carrel and Charles A Lindbergh in 1938. They could not do this process at that because of technology was not available at that time.
About 20 years ago we have been able to start growing cells outside of the body. In the past 10 years we have started printing of own body parts. It appears that for some doctors this is still new technology. More information about this technology is talked about in the TED video by Anthony Alltel titled 'Printing a human kidney'. In the video that time marked 7:30. You actually get to watch a ink jet printer printing a body part. Also they talk to a person that has had one of these transplants done.
The latest technology is being able to scan the damage part of the body. Then actually print straight to the damaged area of the body.
I sure hope that more doctors welling to use this technology. I also hopes the price of the technology becomes a lower to produce the parts as I get older and start falling apart.
They've created new technology to discover skin cancer. By using two different colored of laser lights shot at different times. So far this technology has only been done on specimens. The tests so far have been very accurate in determine if the cells are cancerous. The lasers are used at low power. Making it very safe to use straight on the body. Hopefully soon they can get it certified to be used on human bodies. Also to get the price down so a lot of doctors could have it in their offices.

More information at:
BBC Radio 5live titled 'The back bone's connected to the....28 FEB 11'
'TED'2011 video titled 'Anthony Atala: Printing a human kidney'


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